Thursday, July 10, 2008

Celebrity Sighting

One of the Celebrity Tomatoes finally decided to get to work this week. So far, this is the only tomato-ling on any of the Celebrities. And it will be mine - ALL MINE :-)

One of the Roma's has a few nice tomatoes coming in also:

And - one of the Hot Cherry Peppers is producing as well!

Before I watered everyone this morning, I checked all of the plants that need hand pollinating. I had 3 new cucumbers, and no female Squash/Eggplant flowers. AT ALL. To lift my spirits from this great disappointment, I used some of my new Jiffy Pellets. I sowed some Romaine Lettuce this morning to see if I can grow it in August. I also sowed some of the Lupines and Maine Wildflower Mix that I picked up in Bar Harbor. And, I even found the time to loosen up some more soil near the fence and dropped some seeds from a VERY OLD box of Wildflower Mix that we had in our garage. It will be interesting to see if anything will grow.

Other than that, I moved some of the plants to the side of the house instead of the front of the deck to see if they will get more sun. Tomorrow, I will chart it too see if it is any improvement for them.

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