Today I was able to plant my fall garden! Jason built a 2 square foot garden last weekend which gave me 4 squares to work with. In square 1 I planted 4 head of Black Seeded Simpson Lettuce (transplants), in square 2 I planted 9 Detroit Dark Red Beets, in square 3 I planted 4 Bright Lights Swiss Chard and in square 4 I planted 16 Scarlet Nantes Carrots. The carrots are for Larry, so hopefully they grow!
I was able to pick 1 stunted cucumber, a few Cherry Tomatoes, and 1 yellow squash this morning. I think we should have 3 to 4 more cucumbers to pick for tomorrow and POSSIBLY a Roma Tomato.
We also had a series of unfortunate events in the garden today. I went outside late in the afternoon to let the girls out and found that my Brandywine Tomato fell over and attacked one of my yellow squash. After fixing that up, I decided to transplant the White Zucchini that I have had on life support for quite sometime. When I lifted it out of its pot, the roots completely came apart... OMG. So, I straighted and repacked the yellow squash as well as the zucchini, and am hoping for the best!
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